Monthly Archives: May 2013

Women in the Hands of Police Violence

She fainted but the water canon kept on going.

She fainted but the water canon kept on going.

Press Statement
State Violence Against Women Must Be Condemned
The Cambodian National Rescue Party strongly condemns the act of violence
committed and targeted against women by police and military police in the past and in
particular in the past two days.
CNRP calls on the government to take full responsibility in addressing the demands
of victims of forced evictions through peaceful dialogues and to use win-win approach for
resolution. Similarly, CNRP calls on all concerned parties to come to the negotiating table
and refer to the Labor Law to resolve workers’ demands and not the use of state forces to
clamp down on protesters.
The CNRP is very alarmed by the incident in front of Sabrina factory on 27 May, 2013
where two pregnant workers were brutally assaulted by police and subsequently had
miscarriages. Independent investigation must be conducted for sanction and services
rendered to the victims.
Today’s brutal use of water canon in front of the governor’s office to disperse the
villagers from the Beung Kak Lake community shows the government’s total lack of
accountability to the safety of women and it must be condemned.
The suffering of women who protest against injustice must end now

4,000 Workers Demand Living Wage

Mu Sochua "workers are not the enemies"

Mu Sochua “workers are not the enemies”

4,000 workers on strike for living wage, in Kompong Speu.

To build a strong and skilled labor force for a fair and equitable economic growth, the Cambodia National Rescue government has the responsibility and duty to promote decent employment in safe working environment and ensure living wage for workers to support the safety and dignity of their families.

Youth Shaping Democracy for Cambodia

The students who stood up to challenge the integrity of the UN Rapporteur’s report on Cambodia human rights situaiton have their own right to express their views. It does not matter where they come from.

It is up to us to take action and Nikki , in her own video did so, from her heart and her strong believe in where Cambodia should go.

It is very encouraging that youths are going to social media to get information that is otherwise not available. Each click, each like or dislike is moving democracy forward when they trigger exchange of views and debates.

let us imagine if there was total darkness.

Thank you, Nikki for the tears and the pains and the hope for Cambodia.
To the students of Mekong University, you made news. A young monk stood up to support the report.
Let’s applaud Cambodian youths!!

All that is asked for : respect for people’s views and let’s unite despite our differences.

Our challenge: Making democracy work.

protest 2

Over 5,000 came. Many young from social media.

Puma Shoes Part of the Problem in Shooting of Workers

The big brands going for cheap labor in Cambodia or elsewhere will always get away in these countries when justice is for sale and in the hands of those in power. As consumers, we can be on the side of workers to demand for justice for the 3 women who were injured. Boycott Puma and other international brands that do not sign up for economic justice.