Monthly Archives: March 2016

Silencing the Opposition




Kem Sokha- Vice President of the Cambodia National Rescue Party

“They can strip him off his position as vice- president of the National Assembly but they can not strip him off the hearts of the people”.

Originated as a ” sex scandal “, MP, Kem Sokha’s case is now going to the next stage: corruption.

The head of the Anti-Corruption Unit can’t be more clear: the prosecutor will prosecute and Kem Sokha will be faced with the lifting of  his parliamentary immunity.

Kem Sokha is a true figure of integrity who has had to pay highly for his stance for human rights, democracy and justice.

Pro-government protest to strip him of his position as First Vice-President of the National Assembly that led to a savage attack on two opposition lawmakers the same day is part of this political scenario.

The detrimental consequences of such politically staged scenario trickle down to those who stand for rule of law, justice and a clean government. They become targets of the government and end up facing a court system that is seriously lacking independence.

Very dark clouds in the horizon for government  critics.

But the people will continue to demand change.